Physiotherapy Technology in Calgary

Current Technology at our Clinic

At Inspire Health & Performance we embrace the use of current technology to help improve the patient experience while providing us with objective, reliable data to track progress.

We are trying to find the right balance when it comes to technology. On one hand, old school ways of treating do not use any kind of tech which sometimes leaves collecting data or measuring progress difficult. On the other hand, too much technology leaves you spending most of your time testing and hardly any time being treated. Our goal is to find the middle ground where we use current technology where appropriate to provide fast an efficient ways to measure muscle strength, range of motion and more without eating up too much of your treatment time.

Here are some of the tools we use in our home physiotherapy clinic:

Digital Dynamometer

The easyforce digital dynamometer is a compact, effective tool to measure force production in any muscle without the guess work. Find out how much force your quads can produce and compare each side to see if there is a difference. If you were every wondering if one side was weaker, it’s time to fid out. Manual muscle testing just got easier.

Scenarios the digital dynamometer is useful for:

  • post surgical or major injury (achilles tear, ACL reconstruction, meniscus repair)
  • dealing with an injury that requires strength in a specific muscle group (e.g. tennis elbow, patellar tendinopathy, achilles tendinopathy)
  • Identifying differences side to side
  • Return to play decisions
  • Assessing the balance between muscle groups (e.g. quads vs hamstring ratios)

More information at

The easyangle digital goniometer easily allows accurate measurement of joint range of motion (ROM) or mobility. This is very useful when tracking progress where mobility is required either during a rehabilitation program or for those wanting to gain access to more range of motion. With two clicks you will get a measurement in degrees.

Scenarios the digital goniometer is useful for:

  • rehabilitation programs: tracking mobility in key joints (e.g. rotator cuff pathology – shoulder ROM, knee ROM after an MCL sprain)
  • post surgical – E.g. ACL/meniscus, rotator cuff tendon repair, achilles rupture (surgical or non surgical)
  • tracking mobility – E.g. passive straight leg raise to assess both hamstring and calf length together

More information at

Everybody is unique and have certain tendencies that change how they walk or run. At our home clinic in Mahogany, we have a commercial grade treadmill set up to allow video analysis in 3 different angles in order to break down and identify compensatory or inefficient patterns.

Examples of areas we look at:

  • Walking (Gait) Patterns
  • knee locking after an injury
  • trendelenburg or hip drop
  • increased side to side movement
  • decreased toe off
  • more weight on one side of the foot during mid stance

Running analysis

  • identify potential mobility restrictions
  • assess initial contact between sides
  • absorption of force
  • weight distribution in the foot
  • hip/knee/ankle compensatory patterns or inefficiencies
  • breathing mechanics
  • arm swing
  • thorax mobility

Each video analysis is broken down for you so you can see what we see. Remember it is not about trying to get everyone to walk the same or apply a “cookie cutter” mentality as each individual has different patterns and mobility that will impact how they move. The video analysis allows us to identify any strategies that may be contributing to recurring injuries, pain, or energy inefficiencies.

Mahogany Clinic Space

Contact Information

Home Clinic Location

Masters Square SE
Calgary, AB T3M 2N3
*By Appointment Only

Mahogany Home Physiotherapy Clinic

  • Monday: 9:15 AM – 11:30 AM; 3:30 PM – 6:30 PM
  • Tuesday: Closed
  • Wednesday: Closed
  • Thursday: 9:15 AM – 11:30 AM; 3:30 PM – 6:30 PM
  • Friday: 7:00 AM 10:00 AM
  • Saturday: 8:00 AM 11:00 AM
  • Sunday: Closed


Tuesday: 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM or by appointment

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Are you waking up inspired and going to bed fulfilled?  If you’re ready to take the next step our team is too. Click below for our physiotherapist, dietitian, and health coaching schedules and together lets improve the way we move.

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Golf is a game where mobility and flexibility play pivotal roles in generating power, accuracy, and consistency. Among the most critical components of the golf swing is the rotation during the backswing. When a golfer’s ability to rotate becomes limited, often due to age, injury, or other mobility issues, it can disrupt the swing mechanics […]

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September 20, 2024
Josh Fleming



5 Important Things You Need to Knowto Keep Your Young Athlete Off the Sidelines Do you want the best for your kid? Is your kid’s safety on the pitch a big concern for you? Sport provides so much for our young athletes that it is impossible to be able to put it all into words. […]

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August 21, 2023
Mike Azzopardi



What is one thing you can change immediately that will have the biggest effect on your performance? Take a deep breath and by the end of your exhale you will have the answer.   When looking at athletic performance many areas need to be addressed. Mobility, strength through range, power output, and sport specific movements are […]

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May 11, 2023
Mike Azzopardi

Golf is a game where mobility and flexibility play pivotal roles in generating power, accuracy, and consistency. Among the most critical components of the golf swing is the rotation during the backswing. When a golfer’s ability to rotate becomes limited, often due to age, injury, or other mobility issues, it can disrupt the swing mechanics […]

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5 Important Things You Need to Knowto Keep Your Young Athlete Off the Sidelines Do you want the best for your kid? Is your kid’s safety on the pitch a big concern for you? Sport provides so much for our young athletes that it is impossible to be able to put it all into words. […]

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What is one thing you can change immediately that will have the biggest effect on your performance? Take a deep breath and by the end of your exhale you will have the answer.   When looking at athletic performance many areas need to be addressed. Mobility, strength through range, power output, and sport specific movements are […]

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