Movement Prescription in Calgary


Mobility refers to how much range of motion is present in any particular joint. There are normal values we use as comparison however each individual will be different. This is a massive priority for any rehabilitation program as improving mobility with help to reduce pain and stiffness, improve overall ease of movement, and is one component involved in injury prevention.

Exercises, whether in clinic or given as a home program, will have mobility as a component. The way to improve mobility will differ depending on the individual. Manual therapy involves several different techniques that can be used to improve the mobility of a particular joint. This provides an improvement in your range of motion potentially within a session however it is the actually utilization of this new range of movement which contributes to the new range sticking.

There is usually more than one structure contributing to reducing range of motion. For example, there could be increased muscle tension in an area that ends up reducing the normal movement of a joint. In this case, addressing the muscle first and then treating the joint to ensure full mobility would be warranted. Again, each case is different and the key is to identity the primary tissue restriction and to treat them in the correct order.

Mobility prescription can be in the form of stretches however more commonly come as taking the body through full range of motion (e.g. bending forward all the way into a full back bend), or end range movements that challenge the strength of a joint in a particular range. Each exercise prescribed will have a purpose specific to the individual and contribute to building a solid movement foundation.


Strength is a crucial component of any rehabilitation program. Any time there is an improvement in mobility of the joint, there is a good chance the muscles will be weak in this new range. Strength through the entire range of motion of a joint therefore is a key to building a strong foundation, decreasing pain, and preventing injury.

Strength exercises don’t always look the way people expect. Strength exercises could be simply moving against gravity in a certain position or using resistance bands to challenge a joint a new way. Yes, load is very important to muscle adaptation and increases in strength but only after proper muscle patterns (see neuromuscular re-training section below) have been established. Once the proper muscles are firing well together, variables such as frequency, volume, load, type of exercise, and tempo can be altered to increase the overall stress on the muscle in order to promote adaptation.

Often strength exercises can produce muscle shaking or a burning sensation. This can be an indication the muscle is being challenged past what it is able to comfortably do. Challenging a muscle past previous levels of function is a requirement in order to drive adaptation of the muscle and grow in size or strength. Sometimes an individual might experience soreness after a workout called DOMS or delayed onset muscle soreness. This is a normal part of the adaptation process and should subside in 24-72 hours depending on intensity of exercise. These sensations are different from pain. If there is any confusion regarding what to feel after completing a strength exercise, a discussion with your physiotherapist is needed for clarification.

One important point to note is that muscles can feel tight because they are weak as well as because they are overactive. A big mistake we see a lot is an individual focusing their efforts on stretching because something feels tight. This can actually make a condition worse which is why it is important for a thorough assessment from a qualified physiotherapist in order to provide clarity on the best course of action. Many times this involves strengthening the muscle instead of stretching it.

Overall strengthening exercises are a staple in a rehabilitation program and contribute to improving range of motion, decreasing pain, and improving an individual’s foundation to move.

Neuromuscular Re-training

Neuromuscular re-training is a key component during the initial phases of any rehabilitation program. This refers to the ways muscle fire together to produce a certain movement. Sometimes after an injury, muscles can be inhibited (don’t fire efficiently) as a result of pain or as a protective response to allow time to heal. This needs to be addressed quite early on and often gets brushed over or missed entirely with rehabilitation programs.

We believe movement should be free and easy. Often individual belief systems or information they were given in the past (e.g. shoulder “back and down!”) can lead to increasing unnecessary tension in the body which can result in tightness or pain. Neuromuscular re-training can be specific to individual movements such as knee extension or involve big picture movements like a squat pattern or touching your toes.

The purpose of neuromuscular re-training is to determine how to move from A to B with less energy, not more. Any issues in this area will be addressed at the initial assessment or subsequent sessions in order to improve muscle activation with less pain and can contribute to a faster recovery.

Mahogany Clinic Space

Contact Information

Home Clinic Location

Masters Square SE
Calgary, AB T3M 2N3
*By Appointment Only

Mahogany Home Physiotherapy Clinic

  • Monday: 9:15 AM – 11:30 AM; 3:30 PM – 6:30 PM
  • Tuesday: Closed
  • Wednesday: Closed
  • Thursday: 9:15 AM – 11:30 AM; 3:30 PM – 6:30 PM
  • Friday: 7:00 AM 10:00 AM
  • Saturday: 8:00 AM 11:00 AM
  • Sunday: Closed


Tuesday: 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM or by appointment

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